Request Dr. Mark L. Gordon to
lecture on Traumatic Brain Injury.


Rethinking Traumatic Brain Injury (download)


Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is now recognized as a causative factor for hormonal deficiencies associated with personality changes based upon changes in the molecular chemistry of the brain. Psychological, physiological, and physical manifestations like; depression, anxiety, mood swings, bouts of anger, memory loss, inability to concentrate, learning disabilities, sleep deprivation, increased risk for heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, diabetes, loss of libido, menstrual irregularities, pre-mature menopause, obesity, loss of lean body mass, muscular weakness, and a number of other medical conditions can all arise subsequent to head trauma.          

A common complaint in those diagnosed with PTS/PTSD who were put on one or more anti-depressants was that they were still depressed!!  That is because depression is one of the most common symptoms associated will poor levels of DHEA-s, Vitamin D, Testosterone, Estradiol, Growth Hormone and Thyroid.

Conventional medications (antidepressants, anti-anxiety, anti-seizure, anti-psychotic, and narcotics) do not address the underlying causes that create the symptoms associated with TBI (PTS/PCS) because they do not replenish the missing neurosteroids (brain hormones). Many individuals under conventional treatment become further dysfunctional from the over-load of medications used for treating the complaints and not the root cause. If you are receiving treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS/PTSD) subsequent to a physical injury that included the head, body or both, you might be missing the underlying inflammatory processes that alters your brain chemistry and hormones (Neurosteroids).

With all this said, please be advised that I am not a Psychiatrist or Psychotherapist but function as a
Neuroendocrinologist addressing the hormones of the Brain and also the body. 


 AMMG Presents 2018 Alan Mintz, M.D. Award to Mark L. Gordon, M.D.


2018 Dr. Alan Mintz Award Acceptance Speech

Reading Materials


Restating Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome as Neuroinflammatory Processes


In Defense of the Coronavirus Newsletters


Chapter 1: Traumatic Brain Injury - A Clinical Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment

The Millennium-Warrior Angels Foundation TBI Project History